wenn die Antwort auf all eure Fragen lautet, (42 30 7+%p)
... ist meine Frage wohl die, (69 1*3 5*0*+p)
Wittgenstein's Wegen finden sich auf der anderen Seite. Eine Schildkröte kennt diese Katze, die führt hin zur Truhe von derer die Bibliothek preisgegeben wird auf ihrer blauen rechten Tür.
This pre-formatted HTML block;
and all these contents here was created for
somebody else. I am what you see, nothing more.
I am only the personification of one HTML document.
The contents are made in Vertrauen to the
spirit that lives in us all -the lonely world we share,
and the spirit that lives in each one alone
-everyone's myriapodal-ego.
~ Hase Harvey
Den meisten Spaß lasse ich dem Computer.
Und den meisten Spaß überlässt er mir.
~~~ Mr. Anderson
Wir spielen mit ihm, ein Kartenspiel,
lasst uns unseren Kontrahent wissen;
dass wir es mit ihm ernst meinen,
und ihn als ein Begegner schätzen.
; when you download some big material on this site;
; I want you to imagine:
; -you stand in a library;
; please understand, that others want to
; download too: Me?... I don't care
; how long you take.
; I have private access to that library.
She's yours to command, and that is the very problem you wished for.
; As follows is her deal:
; if you can't imagine it;
; if you can't construct it;
; you can't it!
; Put gently:
; if you do it,
; you can it.
; if you take it,
; you can it.
; if you only request of it, (own it)
; you can not it.
; That is the thing.
; use that damned (CAR)
; or not.
sicp.info (320-337):
| I think that it's extraordinarily important that we in computer
| science keep fun in computing. When it started out, it was an
| awful lot of fun. Of course, the paying customers got shafted
| every now and then, and after a while we began to take their
| complaints seriously. We began to feel as if we really were
| responsible for the successful, error-free perfect use of these
| machines. I don't think we are. I think we're responsible for
| stretching them, setting them off in new directions, and keeping
| fun in the house. I hope the field of computer science never
| loses its sense of fun. Above all, I hope we don't become
| missionaries. Don't feel as if you're Bible salesmen. The world
| has too many of those already. What you know about computing
| other people will learn. Don't feel as if the key to successful
| computing is only in your hands. What's in your hands, I think
| and hope, is intelligence: the ability to see the machine as more
| than when you were first led up to it, that you can make it more.
- Alan J. Perlis (+|1)April 1, 1922 (-|0)February 7, 1990
Soll ich dir mal binär die 4
auf meinen fünf Fingern abzählen... ?
Egal mit welcher Seite ich anfange,
es wird der gleiche Finger.
'|' '-|
|-| | |
^| | | | _
,|| | | | /.>
.- |/-/
| /
( ,
Ich beleidige dich.
Odd boundaries.
| It is worth remembering that the internet wasn't supposed to be
| like this. It wasn't supposed to be six boring men with too much
| money creating spaces that no one likes but everyone is forced to
| use because those men have driven every other fort of online
| existence into the ground. The internet was supposed to have
| pockets, to have enchanting forests you could stumble into and dark
| ravines you knew better than to enter. The internet was supposed
| to be a place of opportunity, not just for profit but for surprise,
| connection and delight.
- wichtige Person
Das Internet ist schon so ein Ort.
Da kann man allerlei krumme Dinger drehen.
Wenn die gute Tante nur zu diesen berühmten Leuten Webseiten geht...
And... What about reality?
Was ist mit den Wilden, die hier leben?
Denn wir denken _nach_.
** "Javascript" für die, die sich durch Quelltexte durchbauen **
Zurück zum Sternensee, geht es ganz weit zurück;
bevor der Mond die Sterne küsste...
zurück ins tote Dorf.
Endlich blieben Tatsachen,
sie verschlangen Wirkung,
nähern sich dem Anfang
Wirkung weiß ich nicht.
Sie bringt übrig gebliebene Reste von
einst voller Schönheit mit sich.
Was davor war, kommt durch unsere Handlungen nahe.
Mir gefällt das nicht.