(back to the half german, half british bleach shell beach.) Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. MIT/HP-Television Copyright (thank the cameras!) Motivational Actors: * Harold Abelson * Gerald Jay Sussman Background Motivation: * Julie Sussman | * many unnamed camera-men. * all the class attendants. * some good video-viruses like virtualdub... * my many cpu's control sticks ' and a little bit of memory. --- for all the nice'n long *original* lectures, you'll need to visit good old internetz and search them. film (all the edits) -> note/01A.txt -> note/01B.txt -> note/02A.txt -> note/02B.txt -> note/03A.txt -> note/03B.txt -> note/04A.txt -> note/04B.txt -> note/05A.txt -> note/05B.txt -> note/06A.txt -> note/06B.txt -> note/07A.txt -> note/07B.txt -> note/08A.txt -> note/08B.txt -> note/09A.txt -> note/09B.txt -> note/10A.txt -> note/10B.txt sicp.info ABOUT ---