void: but because it may.
like if looking through mirrors;-it projects
itself onto everything "magic".
but there is a real unknown, another void...
looking behind the first curtain comes another,
and, if blindly following, falls into despair.
you wanna -->
<-- ?
hides a javascript()portals
find Bakibo (the cat)
somewhere at least,
that's how I remember it.PROL'O'GAME
stranger to my soul,
*invade my body.
*invade my mind.
*grant me an eye to see beyond
my torment.
*take my pride, sorrow,
*turn them into power, wisdom,
stranger to my soul,
*invade my magic.
*become my faith.
~ Behemoth of all Might
Master of Magic,
Master of the Foreign.
-her tribute
A beautiful song.
-to be awake.
who are you?
~ wraith
I am pleading.
to be fulfilled when fulfillment is good.
to be awake when fully aware.
to be a nuisance to you...
~ tribute
good, take my head.
~ wraith
because I rather lose my pride,
than my sanity...
~ tribute
what now?
~ wraith
please enhance all my earthly powers!
so that I may be powerfull at last.
~ tribute
I thereby bless
the air around your nostrils,
the earth on your cheeks,
the water you remark,
and at least the fire on which you em-bark.
o, may ye be blessed.
~ wraith
that's all?!
~ tribute
ye, byye.
~ wraith
~ ?
~ wraith