Legion of Beggars
They all had thousands 'til milions of followers.
gathered the undead legion around themselves.
also a mock-turtle:
"my Bertrand Russell had an imaginary speach:
he trillered and tralerd 'bout the beginnings
of our shared bleach.
...ahem beach.
he was knownnn~ for his jokes-
he described the orbits and the smokes
until he came to earth and the reason
of its projected tilts.
after he was done, exploring the realms
in the last 1/3 of our dimension, an old woman spoke:
"What you have told us is rubbish!
this world is a flat plate supported
by heavy turtles like you...
whereas Russell gave a superior smile,
and asked:
"And what is the tortoise standing on?
the old lady knew full well, that
he would try something funny like that:
she replied:
"You're very clever, young man, very clever-
and said
"But it is turtles all the way down!
And she may be quite right...
I don't care if the world
is round
or flat?
You carefully
made me care about stupid
things like that...
you know you're going to regret that.
Because philosophy and the humor of old;
very dark humor (that of turtles that do not end.)
it goes like rabbits and fibonacci-numbers,
they fuck fuck fuck
aaal day long...
until you cannot laugh...
beggars of our time!
describing the very act.
But if you insist...
you, thinking to talk to the whole world:
but your globalization means
not so much to the world.
(no global time, or you would feel
the combined exposure of everything
that ever existed so far)
(no global time, or you would feel
them same of all the future things...)
(no people, because I can still ignore you.)
(no others, because if you don't like you,
noone will ever change that.)
not even you...
but you, ignoring that
because your little ego needs some
real problems right into its core.