my nature, when it needs something;
-takes it now... (nothing wrong in that)
UNIX: out it came of AT&T Bell-Laboratories
I want to emphasize on the fact, that they
didn't need to know much to make themselves happy...
and they had really no clue as to what stalling and halting-
problems their programs would lead to in the future...
In short: they didn't care!
in glowing green depicts the program
in glowing green depicts the effects on stdout
It was useful for me, because I came
from the restricted Windows 7 world,
to reduce myself in expressibility,
so to say chaining myself to less
expressive sentences, so that I
do not do everything... else.
Like in unix rm -rf'ing my system.
So instead of writing:
cat /this/system
on console, I should write...
a(){ cat this/"$1";:or whatever "$1";}
a system #it's more work... but I like the chains under
my master better, than any freedom that was placed on my
shoulders back then, when I was introduced to the "mighty"
Linux servers running the company..
I returned to Windows, now always
using it and doing my server work
through a service called vnc, so
that Linux is just a service, and
I need not worry anymore to kill
my running system, just killing
the save of an application...
No needs to be worried anymore!
in (sh), it looks something like:
while : ;do
if [ $i -gt 8 ];then
echo $i
i=$(dc -e"$i 1+p")
but what if... you wanted to see what you did
before you did it? You don't want to test
a field without first (at least) trying in
reducing "risk". (whatever that means...)
here the one and only example ever on compilation via
echo / sed / awk,
[1]-using echo statements like above to compile for further execution,
[2]-previewing sed statements with ( Y ),
and using ( Y- ) WARNING:
the output of its cousin ( Y ),
is the latter content of the file... so... if it is empty
you reduce the file to a smoldering pit of ash!
to change with "any command" some files inplace
-UNIX-style! yeah... ->whatever that means
[3]-short awk example
while : ;do
if [ $i -gt 8 ];then
echo "#rm -rf $i #a very 'dangerous' command"
i=$(dc -e"$i 1+p")
a; #eye.
#rm -rf 1 #a very 'dangerous' command
#rm -rf 2 #a very 'dangerous' command
#rm -rf 3 #a very 'dangerous' command
#rm -rf 4 #a very 'dangerous' command
#rm -rf 5 #a very 'dangerous' command
#rm -rf 6 #a very 'dangerous' command
#rm -rf 7 #a very 'dangerous' command
#rm -rf 8 #a very 'dangerous' command
to execute the previous thing, pipe it to your (sh)!
a |sh #run.
# it won't hurt to run it actually, because the lines
# are ignored... because of #
I gotta say: very handy with ssh, where you normally
have to 'keep in mind', that your shell expands every
new invocation all the "'$()>< and so on's...
a |ssh sh #and voila
t(){(umask 077;v=$(mktemp);echo "$v")}
TMP=$(t);echo >&2 " +tmp-file: $TMP" #a temporary file...
cat >$TMP <<EOF
# echo the old contents of $TMP
#Y $TMP cat
# echo the old contents of $TMP
#Y $TMP sed
# compile a command-chain to change the extensions to some X
Y $TMP sed 's/\(.*\)\.txt/mv \1.txt \1.X/'
# change Y to Y- and the file gets replaced inplace.
# (a feeling very unpleasant when you know, that
# you have lost all control... but, is it?)
the temporary file location is printed to another channel (stderr/2),
it will change in your time and; try to clean it up again... will you?
mv a.txt a.X
mv b.txt b.X
mv c.txt c.X
mv d.txt d.X
mv e.txt e.X
you will have to come up with something of your own...
maybe try to look here?
ah, whatever... one last big example with awk syntax:
# some imaginary files here (inside a funny imaginary file)
a(){ cat <<EOF
# the very first use case of the internet... nudes;
# We try to be grown-ups now... so everyone forgot that part.
a |awk '{ print "Y "$0" sed \"s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g\"" }' #|sh
# nonono... you'll probably only make yourself some trouble running this...
a |awk '{ print "Y- "$0" sed \"s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g\"" }' #|sh
# here too, warned ya.
Y report.txt sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g"
Y cat.ascii sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g"
Y censored-stuff.ascii sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g"
Y- report.txt sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g"
Y- cat.ascii sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g"
Y- censored-stuff.ascii sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g"