my nature, when it needs something; -takes it now... (nothing wrong in that) UNIX: out it came of AT&T Bell-Laboratories I want to emphasize on the fact, that they didn't need to know much to make themselves happy... and they had really no clue as to what stalling and halting- problems their programs would lead to in the future... In short: they didn't care!
in glowing green depicts the program
in glowing green depicts the effects on stdout
It was useful for me, because I came from the restricted Windows 7 world, to reduce myself in expressibility, so to say chaining myself to less expressive sentences, so that I do not do everything... else. Like in unix rm -rf'ing my system. So instead of writing:
cat /this/system
on console, I should write...
a(){ cat this/"$1";:or whatever "$1";} a system #it's more work... but I like the chains under my master better, than any freedom that was placed on my shoulders back then, when I was introduced to the "mighty" Linux servers running the company..
I returned to Windows, now always using it and doing my server work through a service called vnc, so that Linux is just a service, and I need not worry anymore to kill my running system, just killing the save of an application... No needs to be worried anymore! in (sh), it looks something like:
(i=1 while : ;do if [ $i -gt 8 ];then break fi echo $i i=$(dc -e"$i 1+p") done)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
but what if... you wanted to see what you did before you did it? You don't want to test a field without first (at least) trying in reducing "risk". (whatever that means...) here the one and only example ever on compilation via echo / sed / awk, [1]-using echo statements like above to compile for further execution, [2]-previewing sed statements with ( Y ), and using ( Y- ) WARNING: the output of its cousin ( Y ), is the latter content of the file... so... if it is empty you reduce the file to a smoldering pit of ash! to change with "any command" some files inplace -UNIX-style! yeah... ->whatever that means [3]-short awk example [1]
a(){(i=1 while : ;do if [ $i -gt 8 ];then break fi echo "#rm -rf $i #a very 'dangerous' command" i=$(dc -e"$i 1+p") done)} a; #eye.
#rm -rf 1 #a very 'dangerous' command #rm -rf 2 #a very 'dangerous' command #rm -rf 3 #a very 'dangerous' command #rm -rf 4 #a very 'dangerous' command #rm -rf 5 #a very 'dangerous' command #rm -rf 6 #a very 'dangerous' command #rm -rf 7 #a very 'dangerous' command #rm -rf 8 #a very 'dangerous' command
to execute the previous thing, pipe it to your (sh)!
a |sh #run. # it won't hurt to run it actually, because the lines # are ignored... because of #
I gotta say: very handy with ssh, where you normally have to 'keep in mind', that your shell expands every new invocation all the "'$()>< and so on's...
a |ssh sh #and voila
t(){(umask 077;v=$(mktemp);echo "$v")} TMP=$(t);echo >&2 " +tmp-file: $TMP" #a temporary file... cat >$TMP <<EOF a.txt b.txt c.txt d.txt e.txt EOF # echo the old contents of $TMP #Y $TMP cat # echo the old contents of $TMP #Y $TMP sed # compile a command-chain to change the extensions to some X Y $TMP sed 's/\(.*\)\.txt/mv \1.txt \1.X/' # change Y to Y- and the file gets replaced inplace. # (a feeling very unpleasant when you know, that # you have lost all control... but, is it?)
the temporary file location is printed to another channel (stderr/2), it will change in your time and; try to clean it up again... will you?
mv a.txt a.X mv b.txt b.X mv c.txt c.X mv d.txt d.X mv e.txt e.X
[3] you will have to come up with something of your own... maybe try to look here? . . . ah, whatever... one last big example with awk syntax:
# some imaginary files here (inside a funny imaginary file) a(){ cat <<EOF report.txt cat.ascii censored-stuff.ascii EOF } # the very first use case of the internet... nudes; # We try to be grown-ups now... so everyone forgot that part. a |awk '{ print "Y "$0" sed \"s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g\"" }' #|sh # nonono... you'll probably only make yourself some trouble running this... a |awk '{ print "Y- "$0" sed \"s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g\"" }' #|sh # here too, warned ya.
Y report.txt sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g" Y cat.ascii sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g" Y censored-stuff.ascii sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g" Y- report.txt sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g" Y- cat.ascii sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g" Y- censored-stuff.ascii sed "s;(C) FRECHES COPYRIGHT;;g"