" Becky-sinky " is sadist, however; to accomodate for a sentence he once made: That it is not that, but the opposite fact. That he wishes not to die himself, but if and only if he could watch himself die in another world by a very modified woman of interest, which is like what he likes. Now if he could watch himself die... he would see. But that is, what a sadist wants and says, to watch others die. And like that. He is a sadist in cover, because this one day could give him a so easy excuse... reasons are not and will never be thought of so easily and excuses such as: are only for people who don't accept themselves and the others. as "one day" like this: >> weil ich Angs hatte, dass ich Sadist bin [...] es war klar, DARUM geht es [...] also WOHER kam das zu mir? [...] und hier in eben dieser Moment bewies mir ploetzlich, dass ich vielleicht tot geboren war. [...] und ich traumte mir "sogar" davon, jemand zu vergewaltigen, aber ich wusste, dass ich es nie tue, weil ich die Gewalt verachte (am Bilde nich), Kulturmensch bin (am Bilde nich), und "man solche Sachen nicht tut." (das schon eher). << So schreibe ich es, so wie die "stumpfsinnigen" Kritker wie Jarocka und "andere aehnliche Trottel", seiner Lust zu, den Zuschauer mit einem billigen Horror zu erstaunen.