Once upon a time, there were two children. The Elderly said it was all an experiment. But the children took it all so seriously. They questioned everything. Nothing to remain they meant. The elderly went missing, not because they died. But because they hid in fear for what they had done. They ignored the past but... it had happened already. They feared the future but... it came to them nevertheless. They ignored themselves, that is the monster inside. You may wonder what became of the children. They wander aimlessly now. But they did not kill anyone. They may be called monsters now. But the monster under your bed is not the one who you should dread. You may ask: "What made them monsters?" The answer is simple. Some recognized their monster -and they live with it. But that is not what made the two monsters. -it was they who ignored it, so they had to become the very thing they hated. They enjoy terror and they fear; but not with blind eyes they go. The monster inside of you is just like you. Johan was such a wonderful name too... The most dreadful things to do, -are hard to tell you tho.![]()