Workings of a computer.

Tale, "picture" X:A Assembly, "change: in what tale gives A." Interpretation, "follow: make an understanding of a tale A." X:A' Misunderstandings, "(U = I)/\(U A =| I A) -> I A =| I A" that, too, will soon disappear with a single tear like morning dew
I welcome you here in

l33t GRAVE

wir spielen ein Spiel, ein Gewinner, ein Verlierer... doch ist das Spiel lang nicht das, was wir in ihm schauen wollen. an old tradition by live and "dead"


the patterns search seem to encourage greedy winners... and certainly now, the winner is a crier. another important manner - trial the lucky weak die and create room for life. the lucky strong remain on rooms decline. it's the game of life what if your favorite game of very much action would be played by a robo-friend? for those others: imagine you wouldn't do that pingily stiff... eliminating the need of a game pros are embarrassed in.

Starcraft II

Addiction is restlessness. What I won: * a sharp mind in battle. * a willing mind for win. * no rest without this. mind is to devote... What I lost: * a mind in restfulness. mind was for myself...
will Artemis ever hunt again ?