|| and by gods word, it will come to pass. || Cpt. Nemo of the unsinkable sea monster ||not being in need anymore. join s (a:b) = a++s++join s b, if b~=[] = a, otherwise join s [] = "" pack i (a:l) = i++a++pack i l pack i [] = i teJ t er m = concat ["if(",t,")throw ",er,"(\"",m,"\");"] pJ a b = concat ["function(",join ","a,"){",b,"}"] dJ a b c = concat ["(function(",join ","a,"){",b,"})(",join ","c,");"] fJ ne n m i s = concat ["for(var ",ne,"=",n,";;",ne,"+=",i,"){if(",m,")break;",s,"}"] wJ m s = concat ["while(1){if(",m,")break;",s,"}"] nJ n i = concat ["if(!",n,")",n,"=",i,";"] main :: num->num->[char] main x y = script ["\n",title,"\n",style," \n