. building the B.A.T.S (Bind And Trusty Stuff) j::. if this was your typical and highly anticipated a beehive f::. and this was you: . see the generalized working of such a machine: . [I] BINDING LOOSE CORRELATIONS FROM THE ORIGINS Given to you stuff (x) of any size and meaning from the great collection of origins (O), get a way (s,0) to identify it in some other stuff (y):O . [II] DERIVING FROM [I] ORDERLY CORRELATIONS. Given (x) and (y) like before, search for the ability (A) to combine (correlate) them into any (x x),(x y),(y y),(y x); it does not matter at first if the sentence is "true" or "wrong", because originally there was never any such concept. . [III] ? With this newly found ability, you are able to show that any (x,y) consists of (x) and (y), even if that was never the case! HAHA-ya. . [X] WORLD DOMINATION . (*), like in other stuff. .- - -|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. | x | * x y * x y x * | | y | | | | | `- - -|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -` .