; In this section, Jay talks about big programs and how to get a ; step by step feeling for their functioning and structure without ; getting overly frightened by them. ; "I want you to get a feeling for their shape." ; ; What is a rule? (another form of substitution and abstraction) ; A Rule is a pattern, from which one generates a skeleton. ; Translated it means to match the expression source and out ; of that, instantialize an expression target. ; "Instead of bringing the rules to the level of the computer [...], ; we're going to bring the computer to the level of us." ; 4A:(13m44s) Writing a general simplifier. (DEFINE DSIMP (SIMPLIFIER DERIV-RULES)) ; usage: ; >> (dsimp '(dd (+ x y) x)) ; | (+ 1 0) ; An organic process. ; * You stick an expression into a stew of enzymes or ; bacteria and it changes. After a while you retract it. ; * The enzymes can attach to any part of the expression. ; A parallel process. ; important QUESTIONS 4A:(21m38s) BREAK ; How it works. ; 4A:(23m59s) => 4A:(35m34s) Get a feeling for big programs. ; "I just want you to look at the shape of it!" --Jay ; MATCH ; * A box that takes as its input: ; an expression ; a pattern ; a dictionary ; * It then outputs another dictionary, ; which is the result of augmenting the input-dictionary ; with which was found in the expression and the pattern. ; 4A:(25m33s) The problem is, that the matcher has to compare ; the expression with the pattern. ; 4A:(36m2s) => 4A:(36m46s) Get a feeling for big programs. ; INSTANTIATE ; * takes: ; a dictionary ; a skeleton ; * outputs: ; an expression ; 4A:(35m52s) This is "easy". ; 4A:(38m48s) => 4A:(39m41s) ; "I don't want you to look at this in detail. ; I want you to say, there is more going on here." --Jay ; EVALUATE ; * takes: a form of magic from Lisp ; 4A:(38m48s) ; Do not think about concrete things! ; important QUESTIONS 4A:(40m14s) BREAK ; Garbage in, Garbage out Simplifier ; 4A:(50m27s) => (END) Get a feeling for big programs. ; "The key to very good programming, is to know what to not think about." ; "And whishful thinking." --Jay ; In the end you only need specifications of what a thing does. ; Just like in mathematics and philosophy. ; ==> GIGO ; QUESTIONS 4A:(1h1m10s) (END)