audio VIDEO(X X X), babey! i thank the computer for ruining the films so long- that they look horrible now. i thank the engineering teams, who created formats for face memorization! thanks virtualdub-ffmpeg (mp4-8bit 1pass-CQP(40/34)),(lame mp3) that's some MAGIC! (you can live without) (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) --- authors: Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman * Foreword by Alan J. Perlis. *.mkv --- quote: Video Lectures These twenty video lectures by Hal Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman are a complete presentation of the course, given in July 1986 for Hewlett-Packard employees, and *professionally* (hehe) produced by Hewlett-Packard Television. These videos are also available here under a Creative Commons license compatible with commercial use. Note: These lectures follow the first edition (1985) of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Many of the programs discussed were rewritten for the second edition (1996) of the book, and new material was added. These video lectures will still be useful for students using the second edition, since the overall themes of the course and order of presentation are unchanged. These videos are courtesy of Hal Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, and are used with permission. license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) I hereby attribute to my computer without any name: that my computer did some of my work...