probably you wanna visit his real website though... as long as it lives:

awk(1) cheatsheet by Ypnose

The following page matches nawk only (it might work with other variants).

Builtin variables

      ARGC  |  Number of arguments on command line
      ARGV  |  An array containing the command-line arguments, indexed from 0 to ARGC - 1
   CONVFMT  |  String conversion format for numbers (%.6g) (POSIX)
   ENVIRON  |  An associative array of environment variables
  FILENAME  |  Current filename
       FNR  |  Like NR, but relative to the current file
        FS  |  field separator (a space)
        NF  |  Number of fields in current record
        NR  |  Number of the current record
      OFMT  |  Output format for numbers (%.6g)
       OFS  |  Output field separator (a space)
       ORS  |  Output record separator (a newline)
   RLENGTH  |  Length of the string matched by match() function
        RS  |  Record separator (a newline)
    RSTART  |  First position in the string matched by match() function
    SUBSEP  |  Separator character for array subscripts (\034)

printf() and sprintf() formats

  -  |  Left justify
  c  |  ASCII character
  d  |  Decimal integer
  i  |  Decimal integer. Added in POSIX
  e  |  Floating-point format ([-]d.precisione[+-]dd)
  E  |  Floating-point format ([-]d.precisionE[+-]dd)
  f  |  Floating-point format ([-]ddd.precision)
  g  |  e or f conversion, whichever is shortest, with trailing zeros removed
  G  |  E or f conversion, whichever is shortest, with trailing zeros removed
  o  |  Unsigned octal value
  s  |  String
  x  |  Unsigned hexadecimal number. Uses a-f for 10 to 15
  X  |  Unsigned hexadecimal number. Uses A-F for 10 to 15
  %  |  Literal %

Commands and functions


Exit from a loop (for or while).


Jump to the next iteration in a loop (for or while).


Exit from awk script. Return value can be specified. If END procedure exists, it will be executed.


C-style loop. First parameter i=1 sets the initial value, second parameter is a condition evaluated each time, before executing the next statement and last parameter i++ increments (or decrements) the variable i.

echo "/usr/bin/,/usr/sbin/,/usr/local/bin/,/bin/,/sbin/" | awk '{
	c = split($0,path,",")
	for (i=1; i<=c; i++)
		print path[i]

Even if it's very practical for arrays, the following syntax must be used carefully : the order is random and depends on the awk variant.

echo "foo bro unix bsd solaris" | awk '{
	split($0,word," ")
	for (i in word)
		printf("Array number: %d --> %s\n", i, word[i])

With nawk (the first array item is often in the last position)

Array number: 2 --> bro
Array number: 3 --> unix
Array number: 4 --> bsd
Array number: 5 --> solaris
Array number: 1 --> foo

With gawk

Array number: 1 --> foo
Array number: 2 --> bro
Array number: 3 --> unix
Array number: 4 --> bsd
Array number: 5 --> solaris


Create user-defined function and apply statements to the parameters.

printf "Karen\nTom\nCharles\nJohn\nJuliet" | awk '
	function who(PERSON) {
		if (PERSON ~ /^(John|Karen)/)
			w = "adult"
			w = "children"
		printf("%s is: %s\n", PERSON, w)


Read next line of input.


Replace all occurences foo by bar. If the string (here line) is not specified, it defaults to $0.

echo "foo foo foo foo foo" | awk '{
	line = $0
	print line


Apply actions if conditions are true or false.

printf "coco\nbar\nfoocow\n" | awk '{
	if ($0 ~ /^foo/)
		printf("%15s: BAD\n", $0)
	else if ($0 == "bar")
		printf("%-10s: OK!\n", $0)
		printf("the line is <%s>\n", $0)


Return length of the string or length of $0 if unspecified.

echo "AveryLONGstringtoTestAWK" | awk '{
	size = length($0)
	print size


Match the specified pattern using a regex. If the string is found, it sets two values: RSTART and RLENGTH, to the start and the length of the string. It's often "associated" with substr.

echo "The path is: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin: DONE" | awk '{
	strt = substr($0,1,RSTART-1)
	path = substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)
	end = substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH+1)
	printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", strt, path, end)


Read next line and start all the statements.


Print variable or command. Use comma to separate variables with OFS value. It ends with ORS.

echo "John 28yo Elen 25yo" | awk '{
	print $1, $3
	print $2, $4

echo "John 28yo Elen 25yo" | awk 'BEGIN { OFS = "|"; ORS = "\n\n===\n\n" } {
	print $1, $3
	print $2, $4


Print formatted output like C language.

echo "Super Man 666" | awk '{
	printf("%-18s %s %d\n", $1, $2, $3)


Exit user-defined function. Return value can be specified.


Split string in array of elements. The string is split at each occurence of separator or FS if undefined.

echo "The/night/is/scary" | awk '{
	printf("%s-%s-%s-%s\n", feel[1], feel[2], feel[3], feel[4])


Apply format on a string. The string can be assigned to a variable. Data is formatted but not printed.

echo "word1 word2 word3" | awk '{
	str = sprintf("%-10s|%10s -> %s", $1, $2, $3)
	print str


Same as gsub, except it applies only to the first match.

echo "foo foo foo" | awk '{


"Extract" a substring of string $0 from the beginning position 7 and to the length of 13.

echo "Fact: Ypnose rocks! Yeah." | awk '{
	str = substr($0,7,13)
	print str


Run the specified command and return only the exit status. Use quotes !

echo "return code was:" | awk '{
	cmd1 = system("true")
	cmd2 = system("false")
	printf("%s %d\n%s %d\n", $0, cmd1, $0, cmd2)


Translate all uppercase characters in lowercase. Despite what people think, it is POSIX.

echo "QWERTYUIOP" | awk '{
	print tolower($0)


Translate all lowercase characters in uppercase. Despite what people think, it is POSIX.

echo "qwertyuiop" | awk '{
	print toupper($0)


While condition is true, run the statements.

echo "cheers:" | awk '{
	while (i <= 4) {
		print $0, i