yss - [y]pnose's [s]ystem [s]ummary =================================== A script to display some information about the current system. ## Why? It was painful to launch many commands to fetch system properties. I also wanted to have a visual representation of the memory, including values. I did not want to install external tools like ```htop``` on my minimal and critical embedded servers. ## Usage ```awk(1)``` must be installed on the system. If not, an error will be returned. It was written using ```nawk(1)```. $ sh yss HOST: opinel DATE: 2019-01-06 16:20:11 OS: Linux KERNEL: 4.14.91_1 UPTIME: 1 day LOAD: 0.51 0.67 0.98 RAM: [**oooooooo ] 1.57(*)/6.95(o)/15.64 GiB [10%(*)/44%(o)] For the **```RAM```** line, each character represents 5% of the total. If the total is greater than 4096 MiB, the values are converted to GiB. **```*```** means used memory and **```o```** means buffers and cached memory. I tend to launch this script after a successful login, using ```${HOME}/.profile```. As always with my projects, it is a good idea to read the sources. ## Notes Memory line (**```RAM```**) currently works on Linux ONLY. For consistensy with [procps-ng](https://gitlab.com/procps-ng/procps) (```v3.3.12```) and therefore tools like ```free(1)```, ```vmstat(1)``` or ```top(1)```, I read the sources and did the same calculations. Prior to ```procps-ng v3.3.10```, the values will not be the same (if you want to compare). ```procps-ng``` was including buffers and cached memory in used memory. That's why it is different. ## Author Ypnose - http://ywstd.fr/ ## License BSD 3-Clause License. Check LICENSE.