# Script by Ypnose - http://ywstd.fr # nawk (The One True Awk) # the only small perl I found in the deep seas #SOLSRC="https://github.com/onetrueawk/awk/archive/2ndEdition.tar.gz" SOLSRC="../nawk.tar.xz" SOLSUM="57d11e84011965d5e4393925fff1ac85e767f6fdbaebe5e451fa9170d0157f01" SOLTWD="nawk" run_task() { set_flag Y- makefile sed -e 's/$(CC)/$(CC) -static/' -e '/^CC =/d' \ -e '/^HOSTCC =/d' -e '/^CFLAGS =/d' -e '1i\ HOSTCC=$(CC)' -e '1i\ CFLAGS+= -g' # Make sure '-j1' is set. If not, the final binary will be unusable make -j1 # Verify the built nawk is not buggy p_msg "Checking awk binary..." printf "rypp rocks :-< " printf "%s %s " "foo bro baz" "rypp rocks" | ./a.out 'END{print}' printf "license :-< " printf "%s %s %s " "gpl" "mit" "bsd license" | ./a.out '/^bsd/{print $NF}' cp_bin a.out nawk ln_bin nawk awk cp_man awk.1 nawk.1 }